Thursday, 3 February 2011

Analyse title sequence of The Incredibles

The first 5 seconds of this sequence tells the audience that this film is going to be a high action animation film. Also it tells us that there's not just one action hero this there is in normal action films, this one contains a hole family that has action powers, which tells the audience that they are a team, and that they work 2gether. Before they up on there masks which shows the audience that they have super powers they look like an ordinary family, apart from the diagetic sound of the person that is talking to them which we don't see in the frame we just hear, tells us that they is going to be action.

we don't see the title of the film first we see the logo of the film, which is not usual we would normally see the title first and the logo would be included in the title. The camera then zooms into the logo which is when we first see the title of the film, as the title of the film appears the voice that is talking stops and music begins, its starts off at a medium pace but speeds up and becomes more up beat as the title moves off the screen.

After the title of the film is shown the animation changes, from a human looking animation to a cartoon animation, this shows the action that well be in the film. This also emphasis genre of the film.

The names that appear of the screen throughout the title sequence, they all mostly last 4 about 5 seconds, they are also located in the center of the screen. The names are written in bold lettering, which suggests that this is the writing that the audience should be focusing on more. the writing is also written in red which is the color of the films theme, the title is in red, the outfits of the family are red.

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